Empowering Your Journey

We understand that every individual’s journey is unique, and our goal is to provide services that not only meet but exceed your needs and aspirations.

Disabled girl with down syndrome smiling happily at camera

Your Trusted NDIS Provider

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Assistance with Daily Living
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Community Access
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Assistive Technology
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Home Modifications
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Employment Support
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Assistance with Daily Living

Our Daily Living services at Onje Care are designed to support participants in their everyday lives, ensuring comfort, independence, and a high quality of life. 

Our ‘Assistance With Daily Life’ offers flexible, tailored support, covering everything from personal care to housekeeping, helping participants maintain their independence. 

‘Improved Daily Living’ focuses on personalised care, empowering participants to live life to the fullest and supporting their independence in all aspects of daily living.

Disabled man with down syndrome cleaning countertop
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Comprehensive support for personal care and housekeeping, adapted to individual needs.

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Enhancing daily activity autonomy, fostering participant self-sufficiency.

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Customised Living Solutions

Individually tailored solutions to improve daily living experiences.

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Enhanced Quality
of Life

Dedicated efforts to elevate the overall life quality of participants.

Two disabled friends in wheelchairs bowling together

Community Access

Community Access at Onje Care encompasses ‘Social & Community Participation’ and ‘Transport’ services, designed to facilitate active engagement in community life.

Our Social & Community Participation service offers inclusive activities, promoting community engagement and relationship building among participants.

Our Transport service ensures safe, comfortable, and reliable access to various destinations, catering specifically to individual needs and ensuring participants can travel with ease.

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Fun Community

Inclusive and diverse activities for active community participation.

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Reliable Transport Services

Safe, wheelchair-accessible transport ensuring participant mobility and freedom.

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Positive Social

Activities designed to build positive relationships and develop social skills.

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Safe Travel

Prioritising participant comfort and safety in all transportation services.

Assistive Technology

At Onje Care, our Assistive Technology services are aimed at empowering participants through state-of-the-art solutions that enhance their independence.

We stay abreast of rapidly evolving technology to offer customised solutions that meet the unique needs of each participant.

Our goal is to harness technology to improve everyday living for those with disabilities.

Smiling man wearing hearing aid, image of profile view
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Tailored Technological Solutions

Providing custom assistive technology to meet specific participant needs.

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Empowering Through Technology

Utilising cutting-edge tech to boost participant independence and capability.

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Individual Needs

Developing solutions focused on the unique preferences and requirements of participants.

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Daily Life

Implementing technology to significantly improve daily functionality and independence.

Disabled woman in wheelchair washing her hands in modified bathroom

Home Modifications

Our Home Modification service at Onje Care is dedicated to creating safe, accessible, and comfortable living spaces for participants with special needs.

Our experienced professionals work closely with participants to ensure their homes are modified to meet their unique requirements, ensuring a high level of comfort and security in their own homes.

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Custom Home Adjustments

Tailoring home modifications to address specific participant requirements.

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Expert Safety

Experienced professionals ensuring optimal safety and comfort in modified homes.

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Meeting Unique

Home modifications designed to suit the unique needs of each participant.

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Secure Independent

Enhancing the safety and independence of participants within their living spaces.

Employment Support

Onje Care’s Employment Support services are focused on empowering participants with disabilities to succeed in the workforce.

We offer tailored training and resources, job training programs, and job placement assistance to align with each participant’s goals and needs.

Our aim is to provide the skills and support necessary for participants to find and thrive in suitable employment.

Disabled man with down syndrome smiling with colleagues
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Targeted Employment Training

Providing extensive, customised training geared towards successful employment.

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Skill Building

Offering personalised job training programs to develop essential workplace skills.

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Strategic Job

Providing tailored job placement assistance to align with participant career goals.

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Achieving Work Aspirations

Supporting participants in reaching their employment goals for greater independence.

Carer with disabled woman in wheelchair going into ocean


Respite Care at Onje Care offers a compassionate and supportive break for carers, while ensuring participants continue to receive high-quality, personalised care.

Understanding the challenges that come with continuous caregiving, our Respite Care service provides a temporary yet seamless transition, ensuring peace of mind for both carers and participants.

This service allows carers to recharge, attend to personal matters, or simply take a well-deserved break, knowing that their loved ones are in capable and caring hands.

Our dedicated team ensures that each participant’s routine and preferences are respected and maintained, making their experience comfortable and enjoyable.

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Carer Wellbeing

Provides essential breaks for carers, promoting their mental and physical health.

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Continuity of

Ensures participants continue to receive personalised and uninterrupted care.

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Offers adaptable respite options to fit the unique needs of carers and participants.

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Enables participants to engage with different caregivers, fostering social skills and new experiences.


Our SDA/SIL service at Onje Care focuses on providing participants with tailored living arrangements and support that enhance their ability to live as independently as possible.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is designed to cater to those with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs, offering them suitable and adaptive housing solutions.

Supported Independent Living (SIL), on the other hand, provides participants with the necessary support to manage daily tasks and foster independence in their living environment.

Our team works closely with participants to understand their needs and preferences, ensuring that their accommodation and living arrangements are not only comfortable but also empowering.

Disabled man in wheelchair sitting at kitchen table
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Tailored Living

Customised accommodation options to meet specific disability needs.

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Support services designed to promote self-reliance and autonomy in daily living.

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Quality of Life Improvement

Focused on enhancing overall wellbeing through appropriate living arrangements.

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Access to skilled professionals who provide guidance and assistance in managing daily tasks.

Let Us Support You

We understand that seeking support is a significant step, and we’re here to make that journey as smooth and empowering as possible.

Our team is dedicated to understanding your unique needs and providing the care and assistance you deserve.

Let us be your partner in navigating the path to greater independence and fulfillment. Contact us today, and let’s take that step forward together.

Disabled woman in wheelchair smiling at phone